Tim Planken Personal Website


I am a PhD student at the Freiberg University of Technology under supervision of Johannes Carmesin.

My research interests include:

  • Structural graph theory
  • Graph connectivity
  • Graph decompositions
  • Graph theory in three dimensions
  • Geometric graph theory
  • Algorithms and NP-hardness

Publications and Preprints

Polychromatic Colorings of Geometric Hypergraphs via Shallow Hitting Sets (with Torsten Ueckerdt), SoCG 2024 (arxiv | Conference Proceedings)

Shallow Hitting Edge Sets in Uniform Hypergraphs (with Torsten Ueckerdt), Preprint (arxiv)


SEG Workshop on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Algorithms - 18th June 2024 - HTW Dresden
Balanced colorings of geometric hypergraphs

Symposium on Computational Geometry 2024 - 11th June 2024 - Athens
Polychromatic Colorings of Geometric Hypergraphs via Shallow Hitting Sets

C5 Graph Theory Workshop - 28th May 2024 - Rathen
Balanced colorings of geometric hypergraphs

Seminar Diskrete Mathematik und Algebra - 15th May 2024 - TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Colouring d-dimensional triangulations

Combinatorics Seminar - 16th November 2023 - University of Birmingham
Colouring d-dimensional triangulations

PhD Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation - 3rd November 2023 - London School of Economics
Polychromatic Colorings of Geometric Hypergraphs via Shallow Hitting Sets


Summer term 2024

  • Komplexitätstheorie (link)
  • Algorithmic Graph Theory II (link)